North Carolina Poultry Jubilee Queens crowned, Charity Rebuild Center given over $2,000 donation

North Carolina Poultry Jubilee Queens crowned, Charity Rebuild Center given over $2,000 donation

Press Release

On Saturday August 20th, 21 young ladies competed for the coveted North Carolina Poultry Jubilee Queens titles, and the chance to represent the town of Rose Hill and the North Carolina Poultry Jubilee Festival.

Each fall, the town of Rose Hill, home to the World’s Largest Frying Pan, celebrates the poultry industry in our community with a chicken fry, live entertainment, vendors and crafts, and lots of family fun in the Town Square.

Our judges panel, six experts in the field of pageantry, including celebrity judges Laura Matrazzo, Miss North Carolina 2018, and Madison Hedgecock, Super Bowl XLII champion, judged contestants in various areas of competition, including private interview, festival wear, fun fashion, talent, party and evening wear, on-stage question, and a promotional platform.

The North Carolina Poultry Jubilee Committee would like to congratulate and welcome your 2022 North Carolina Poultry Jubilee Court:

Keenan Beau Pittman, Wee Miss

Emery Prenda, Little Miss

Aliya Joslin, Junior Miss

Ansleigh Thrash, Young Miss

Mady Reeves, Teen Miss

Abigail Batchelor, Miss North Carolina Poultry Jubilee

Kennedie Eason, Ambassador Queen

Addy Grace Smith, Ambassador Queen

From left to right:

Keenan Beau Pittman, Wee Miss; Emery Prenda, Little Miss; Aliya Joslin, Junior Miss; Ansleigh Thrash, Young Miss; Mady Reeves, Teen Miss; Abigail Batchelor, Miss North Carolina Poultry Jubilee; Kennedie Eason, Ambassador Queen; Addy Grace Smith, Ambassador Queen

Since this is a scholarship pageant, our Miss North Carolina Poultry Jubilee Queen won a $3,000 scholarship to further her college education, and our Teen Miss was awarded a $750 scholarship. Scholarship funds are raised from our annual cake auction held at the festival. Thank you to the generous donations from businesses and individuals throughout our community that contribute to these funds.

Overall awards were also given to those obtaining the highest scores across all age divisions. In our “Junior” pageant, Keenan Beau Pittman won the Overall Festival Wear Award, and Emery Prenda won the Overall Talent award. In the “Miss” pageant, Ansleigh Thrash won Overall Interview, and Mady Reeves was awarded the Overall Talent and Overall Fun Fashion awards.

The contestants were asked to participate in a canned food drive to stock the food center at the Charity Rebuild Center, which hosted the pageant and all rehearsals. Megan Casey received our inaugural ”Make a Difference” service award, bringing in the most food items at over 500, to stock the community pantry.

To thank the Charity Rebuild Center for their contribution to the North Carolina Poultry Jubilee Pageant, a check for $2,110 was given to Miss Tammy Weeks. She and her husband, Richard, run the center, and do incredible work each and every day for the festival, community, and beyond.

You can find Charity Rebuild Center on Facebook to see how you can make a difference and volunteer to serve this amazing organization.

Our 2022 court would like to invite each of you to this year’s celebration! Come eat some delicious fried chicken and join the celebration at this year’s Poultry Jubilee Festival on October 22nd in Rose Hill.

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