Duplin County 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Budget

Duplin County 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Budget

On June 6, 2022, County Manager/Clerk to the Board Davis Brinson appeared before the County Commissioners to conduct a public hearing on the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Duplin County Budget.

Included in the presentation was a summary that states:

The FY 22-23 General Fund Budget of $66,747,907 is in balance with the tax rate of $.715 per $100 of assessed valuation plus a $.02 per $100 assessed valuation to be place in a capital reserve fund for a total tax rate of $.735. Other funds are also in balance. The appropriation from the Fund Balance of the General Fund is $1,753,796. It is an accepted practice to show an appropriation from fund balance to balance the budget. This practice has limited the amount of increase to the tax rate and/or prevented unnecessary reduction in the services available to our citizens. Each year we strive to hold expenditures down and not use our savings. The amount we are budgeting from fund balance for FY 22-23 is $175,991 or 6% less than was appropriated in FY 21-22. This is a nominal decrease in comparison to the total budget.

General Fund Budget Highlights

Compared to Fiscal Year 2021-2022

·         Mandatory increase in retirement contributions

·         Increase to budgeted insurance costs per employee

·         Implementation of pay and classification plan

·         No increases to projected sales tax receipts

·         Capital requests $1,038,769.38

·         Increase in budgeted ad valorem tax

Future Budget Goals

·         Continue saving to fund the capital improvement plan

·         Prepare to fund capital projects for the jail, aging and veteran’s office and emergency management facilities.

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